Group exhibition and Publication by Hana El-Sagini, Hend Elbalouty, Marian Aazer, Razan Sabbagh, Rozeen Bisharat, and Ruba Salameh

Curated by Khaled Barakeh - coculture

It’s us together and everyone alone! How we survived the struggles that appeared in our process of absence? With humor?! It’s a true irony, isn’t it?


As a group of artists, we tried to find a way to define absence. To understand what it means to us collectively and individually, we started with one basic question: What is absence? After the first one, more and more questions appeared and flowed: Is it when we miss someone or something? Is it missing or losing? Can we capture the absence of someone and something while it’s happening? What is absence made of? Materials? Emotions? Actions? Can we create presence out of absence? What is the meaning of absence, and what is it in art? How can we express the absence of us as artists while being involved in the art process?


hell vol.1